Latest News...​
Ski season's in full swing now, where are you going? Members, leave your destination/meet-ups on our Outings Board. Not a member? Join now and take advantage of the club's resources.​​​​​​
RMSC won the top trophy at New Jersey Ski and Snowboard Council's 2025 Stanley Sharaga Memorial President's Race this year. See our Racing Page for the full results and more details
Our end of season Annnual Meeting will take place at the Knights of Columbus in Ramsey NJ on Thursday April 10th. Come along and hear about all that happened this year.
Here's a date for your diary, our Bi-Annual formal Club Banquet is scheduled for Satiurday April 26th, at Krucker's, Pomona, NY, from 6-10pm.
Club awards, speeches, dinner/drinks and friendship.